2012 Volkswagen Up! - Front Angle |
Volkswagen Up! 2012 - Front Side |
2012 Volkswagen Up! - Interior |
2012 Volkswagen Up! - Rear Angle |
An important new safety technology system is the optional City Emergency Braking. It is automatically active at speeds under 30 km/h, and it uses a laser sensor to detect the risk of an imminent collision. Depending on the vehicle’s speed and the driving situation, City Emergency Braking can reduce accident severity by initiating automatic brake interventions – and possibly even avoid a crash. So far, the VW up! is the only vehicle in the segment to be offered with an emergency braking function for city driving.
The up! will first be launched in the European market. It all starts in December 2011. There are 3 versions for different budgets and needs: take up! is the entry-level car, move up! the comfort-oriented one and high up! the top version. Directly at the car’s market launch, there will also be 2 independent models based on the high up!: the up! black and the up! white.
2012 Volkswagen Up! - Rear Side |
Volkswagen Up! Black 2012 - Front Angle |
2012 Volkswagen Up! Black - Front Side |
2012 Volkswagen Up Black - Interior |
2012 Volkswagen Up! Black - Rear Side |
2012 Volkswagen Up! Black - Side |
Volkswagen Up! White 2012 - Front Angle |
2012 Volkswagen Up! White - Front Side |
2012 Volkswagen Up! White - Front |
2012 Volkswagen Up! White - Interior |
2012 Volkswagen Up! White - Rear Angle |